Testimonials | Accounts Payable

“Thank you for making our work lives easier! The system is everything we hoped for and more.”
— Accounts Payable Manager, Kirby

“The finance staff really loves how easy it is to use and can't believe how they used to print checks!”
— IT Manager, City of Stow

“Our office team really likes this solution... It is a pleasure having F&E PaymentPros as a valued supplier/partner to Akron-Summit County Library.”
— Clerk-Treasurer, Akron-Summit County Library

“I am so pleased that we no longer have to find a board member to sign checks; the Wycom has made the check-signing process so efficient!”
— Business and Operations Manager, Birchard Public Library

“You did a truly fine job of explaining the different options available to the city, which enabled us to maximize the cost of investing in your product.”
— Finance Director, The City of Mayfield Heights

“Utilizing our existing SSI software…has saved a lot of money in forms and costs and is also a much more secure way to process these documents. ”
— Finance Director, City of Independence

“We consistently find you and your team to be knowledgeable, supportive, and reliable in simplifying our daily work tasks.”
— Director of Finance, Solon, OH

“No matter how big or small our concerns, you have always assisted us in getting answers to our problems. You understand our needs and the fact that government agencies cannot tolerate significant down times. F&E has always been there for Perry Township.”
— Administrator, Perry Township

“I am extremely happy with the ease of operation with the [F&E-S Sign] process. It is as easy as you said it would be … I could not be more satisfied.”
— Assistant Fiscal Officer, Beavercreek Township

“We would highly recommend you and F&E PaymentPros as a great company to work with for anyone looking to streamline their check printing process.”
— Accounting Manager, Zircoa

“…I appreciate how F&E PaymentPros made it a transparent transition from our old process.”
— Finance Director, PEL

“We would highly recommend the Dahle brand and F&E PaymentPros for your knowledgeable staff, prompt and courteous service, and great follow-up.”
— Finance Director, Meander Hospitality Management

“I am really happy with the new check signer... and I am pleased with the quality of the signature of our CEO and with the ease that I can print manual checks.”
— Accounts Payable Clerk, Braden Sutphin Ink Company

“Thanks again for educating us on how to be more efficient and cost effective ultimately saving the taxpayers' money.”
— Finance Director, City of Brunswick