F&E KioskPro Self-Service Payment Centers
Add a valuable service option to your on-site payment facility. Create new on-site payment facilities.
Fast and efficient.
Practical and secure.
Servicing the unbanked, cash-only, last minute customers, and those that simply want to pay in person, traditionally has posed a staffing challenge. With a KioskPro self-service payment center, satisfying these customer demands is a simple, cost-effective solution.
Creates a funnel point for secure cash handling.
A Better Way to Handle Payments
• Free up counter staff
• Provide more payment options
• Implement tighter cash controls
F&E PaymentPros offers
standard and custom,
free standing and built-in
self-service payment kiosks.

The Pedestal KioskPro
(indoor only)
- F&E KioskPro application
- Touchscreen user interface
- Hosted data or real-time interface with core billing software
- Barcode reader
- Multiple payment types: credit card, check, e-check, money order, cash acceptance
- Receipt printer
- Freestanding—can be secured to the floor or not for mobility